Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10 simple pleasures

1, Snowboarding on a sick powder day early in the morning before anybody gets up to apex.
2, Relaxing in a hot tub after a long day.
3, Fist pumping to a good song with a great beat.
4, Sleeping in on a Saturday and knowing that you have a great day and night ahead of you.
5,Going home from school on a Friday and knowing you have a great fun filled weekend ahead of you.
6, Jumping into the cool water on a hot sunny day in the summer.
7, Just hanging with your friends.
8, Having a nice family dinner with everyone on a Sunday night.
9, Eating your favorite meal with your favorite person.
10, I would like waking up to the starting of lion king and looking out to the sunrise on the African plains. Outside your windows you would watch the gazelles and zebras play. Then after a hearty breakfast, walking out of your little mud house and joining the ostrich in a nice relaxing walk to the watering hole. Where you would play and bask in the hot African sun. After all this excitement usually it is a good idea to go have a ride on the back of an African elephant for transportation. At the end of your wonderful day you could go buy ice cream and share it with a pack of wild dogs while striking up a conversation with a large male baboon. Then right before you go to bed, you could quickly sneak out into the night and have a quick game of monopoly with a pride of lions. Just make sure your the banker, because everybody know the saying, "Never let a lion be the banker in monopoly, because they cheat a lot."