Thursday, January 20, 2011


The first thing on my list of awesome, would include waking up early on the hill for a great powder day ahead of you. Getting on the first chair up and shredding the living heck out of the virgin runs. Letting the powder swoosh up into my face while I rip through the trees and over the cat tracks. Also hitting up the park while there is still powder on it. After a great day of shredding like, there is nothing better than too sit at your buddies cabin and enjoy a nice cup of hot chocolate and a good movie.

Another enjoyment in my life would be wearing brand new socks. There is nothing cozier than putting on brand new socks and feeling the cotton against my worn feet. Also the feeling of royalty you get from just walking around with your brand new socks. Lastly I love the jealousy other people have of you and your wonderful socks. You know they are regretting not buying socks the last time they went shopping, and now they have too watch you enjoy your brand new socks.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Macbeth Act 1

Act 1 starts with the three witches around a cauldron chanting and talking about when they are going to meet again. We are then taken to an army camp near King Duncan's castle, where we witness a bloody Sergent reports to King Duncan how the war is going. He reports how grand Macbeth battled in the war, and King Duncan announces he will kill the traitor Cawdor and give his land and title to Macbeth as a reward for his service. The next scene the witches are back, but this time they meet up with Macbeth and Banquo. Macbeth and Banquo question the reality of the witches. The witches then refer Macbeth as the Thane of Glamis, to the Than of Cawdor, and lastly calling him King. The witches then vanish and Ross greets Macbeth as Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth then gets the idea of killing King Duncan but decides not too. In scene 4 we are taken to King Duncans castle and Duncan is confronted by his son. Malcom tells the king that the old Thane of Cawdor is dead. The King is then introduced to Macbeth and the others, Duncan then greets Macbeth, calling him his worthiest cousin, and saying that thanks and recompense are not enough to pay for all he did in battle. The king also greets and embraces Banquo. While leaving Macbeth feels he must take out Malcom, because he stands in his way to the crown. We then see Lady Macbeth reading the letter Macbeth sent her. Telling her about meeting the 3 witches and how they predicted the future and it came true.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sleepwalking and Hallucinations

Over 15% of people in our society suffer from the disorder somnambulism, more popularly known as sleepwalking. About 14% of them are adolescent and 1% are adults. Sleepwalkers while in a low wave sleep will begin to do tasks as if they are awake and conscious.Sleepwalkers may do a number of tasks while in their "trance" from talking and eating, to driving and cooking. The people perform these task because of their dream their in. People without this disorder will go into rapid eye movement (REM) as well as the sleepwalker, but there body will endure a sort of paralyzed state to protect the person from in acting their dream. This does not occur to someone with somnambulism, so instead the person will begin sleepwalking. Sleepwalkers may endure hallucinations while in their trance. Hallucinations may happen to a sleepwalker while he is partially awake, yet deeply asleep. The person will be experiencing their dream while partially awake. This may result their sleepwalking turning into night terrors. If they wake from their dream while experiencing hallucinations, it may take 10-15 minutes to rouse the person from their troubled sleep. Even though waking a sleepwalker aggressively may be dangerous for you and the person. The sleepwalker may strike at you or itself because of confusion and stress from them being woken up. A good non-medical way to prevent hallucinations while sleeping is too keep a light on while sleeping.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A taxi ride with, Sean Avery and Martin Brodeur.

After another impressive shutout over New York. Martin Brodeur, known as "The greatest goalie of all time," was just leaving the arena, when he realizes that he took too long signing autographs and missed his private jet home.  So instead of calling his pilot and wasting all that time waiting for him to get there. Brodeur decides to just call a cab. Once inside he realizes he is not alone. right beside him listening to Sidney Lawford, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Is his arch nemesis, Sean Avery. Instead of getting out and grabbing the next cab, Brodeur decides to stay and see how int- resting this will get. After about a minute, Avery's song finishes and that's when he first notices who's sitting next to him. Avery shrieks a little and tries to get out, but it's too late because the cab has already left the arena and is on the highway. His first instinct is too grab his ipod and wave it in front of Brodeurs face, but Brodeur just shakes his head.               

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Hunger Games Journel entry #1

The story, "The Hunger Games" relates in a way to the Roman empire back in 1000 AD. Both the Romans and the people in the Capitol in, "The Hunger Games" had arenas made for people to kill other people, while spectators watch and make bets on who wins. This barbaric society that both these civilizations live in Have sculpted and manipulated the people to enjoy and cheer on this blasphemy.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moral Dilemma

If I was in this moral dilemma I would have to save the person. Even if this elderly lady was 92 years old, I would never be able to live a sane life knowing I contributed in her demise. Although knowing that I was the reason for the burning of the Mona Lisa, and even the burning of Art itself some people may say. But, to me someones life is more important than any painting could ever be. I would like to take this time to apologize for letting the Mona Lisa burn, but I still think my choice of saving Ada Artlover's life was more important. Hopefully what we can all learn from this experience, is that a life is the most precious art in the world. Not a painting or a statue. So hopefully this painting will live on in our hearts and minds and will never be forgotten.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

10 simple pleasures

1, Snowboarding on a sick powder day early in the morning before anybody gets up to apex.
2, Relaxing in a hot tub after a long day.
3, Fist pumping to a good song with a great beat.
4, Sleeping in on a Saturday and knowing that you have a great day and night ahead of you.
5,Going home from school on a Friday and knowing you have a great fun filled weekend ahead of you.
6, Jumping into the cool water on a hot sunny day in the summer.
7, Just hanging with your friends.
8, Having a nice family dinner with everyone on a Sunday night.
9, Eating your favorite meal with your favorite person.
10, I would like waking up to the starting of lion king and looking out to the sunrise on the African plains. Outside your windows you would watch the gazelles and zebras play. Then after a hearty breakfast, walking out of your little mud house and joining the ostrich in a nice relaxing walk to the watering hole. Where you would play and bask in the hot African sun. After all this excitement usually it is a good idea to go have a ride on the back of an African elephant for transportation. At the end of your wonderful day you could go buy ice cream and share it with a pack of wild dogs while striking up a conversation with a large male baboon. Then right before you go to bed, you could quickly sneak out into the night and have a quick game of monopoly with a pride of lions. Just make sure your the banker, because everybody know the saying, "Never let a lion be the banker in monopoly, because they cheat a lot."